Crazee Bitch !
About Diary
very eerie heart
27.10.13 | 0 comments
the things that are going through my mind.
can't seem to grasp what I'm feeling for real nowadays.
the tears shed, the friction of water through my eyes. sore.
I'm not gonna lie by saying I am entirely fine and happy.
why am I still thinking about things that have left me a long time ago.
things that I've let go.
the clouds nowadays seems like they're in touch with me.
they kept on raining. keeping me company when the world around me need to flow through my eyes.
when others had left.
need I put a mask to fool everyone in daylight ?
but uncover myself at night.
when things finally seem to have gone better, it fall apart.
when I thought that I can finally stop doing what I have been doing,
when I thought that I can finally stop searching.
and at then I realized that I can never stop.
I will never stop. 

Fahada Nordin

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 photo e1aac156-9f42-41be-a75b-d3a4ee3636c6_zps6o9pgdgl.jpg
It's not that bad. I'll get through this.