Crazee Bitch !
About Diary
like, yea. .
15.3.13 | 0 comments
wishing we could read people's mind huh ?
wishing we could know whatever is going on at the moment.
it's actually better to not know tho.
but the curiosity is what making us want to know more.
and to be real with ya, we wont actually get what we want and yet we still want it.
and to get what we want, we started to forget what we really need.
but still yet we get what we need only when we need it and now i'm starting to think i'm talking in a twist. . .
ugh thinking is so hard !!

i'm pretty messed up rite now.
Fahada Nordin

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 photo e1aac156-9f42-41be-a75b-d3a4ee3636c6_zps6o9pgdgl.jpg
It's not that bad. I'll get through this.