Crazee Bitch !
About Diary
Feel it
27.2.13 | 0 comments
it felt like magic everytime I took a glance of you.
it felt like magic everytime our eyes met.
it felt like magic everytime you took a step closer to me.
it felt like magic everytime you smiled at me.
it felt like magic everytime we stay close together.
it felt like magic everytime we touched.

and when I close my eyes, it's you who I'll be thinking of.
and everytime that happens, do you know how it feels like ?
and everytime it feels like magic, I felt happiness.
and in all the time I felt that happiness,
I know I got you.

Fahada Nordin

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 photo e1aac156-9f42-41be-a75b-d3a4ee3636c6_zps6o9pgdgl.jpg
It's not that bad. I'll get through this.